Bicycle Bumper Stickers
March 10, 2009
If bikes had bumpers on which to stick things, I would plaster mine with some of the following phrases, inspired by innumerable micro-moments I’ve experienced while commuting back and forth to work. The sub-title to this could be “Retorts to the (mostly unsaid) thoughts of car-drivers, as implied by their driving and/or emotive glares from behind the windshield.”
1) “Thanks, but I do own a car; I choose to bike instead.”
2) “I sure hope you weren’t planning to apply for a job from me (yes, I’m hiring!)”
3) “Why no, I do not believe your [penis|breasts] appear larger when you [insert sophomoric car-driving action here].”
4) “Yes, thanks, I do like to think I own the road (at least the tiny piece I’m occupying, over here on the edge of it.)”
5) “I’m sorry, I didn’t notice that your [Hummer|Porsche|BMW|PoS] is secretly an [emergency vehicle|tank|starship|jet fighter].”
6) “So exactly what part of my six blinking lights, bright yellow vest, and innumerable reflectors did you not see?”
Feel free to tack “you selfish pork-face” on the end of any of these!
Bicycle Culture Wars
March 8, 2009
Read moreSome interesting intersections of life and commentary lately:
Last week, whilst on a ride with Randy and Mike, we stopped for coffee in Boulder Creek, charming little hamlet in the Santa Cruz mountains. A fellow stopped by and asked if we rode on the local 2-lane road (the only one that goes through Boulder Creek) and then launched into an unprompted diatribe about how cyclists didn’t belong on the road, as they got in his way and slowed him down.
February 12, 2009
One of these things is not like the others... All three of these parking spaces are labeled “compact” – does driving a giganto-SUVs cause one to lose their ability to read?
More bicycle wetness
February 6, 2009
Fun ride this morning, with Anna – plenty ‘o rain, but pretty out, and not too cold. We took it easy, got a few small hills in on the way over to Alpine Road, then climbed up that to the end of the pavement. It was slippery on the climb; enough that I spun the rear wheel a few times even when seated! Made for a slow and careful descent, certainly the slowest I’ve ever come down that road.
I almost didn’t ride. I don’t really like being cold and wet… but I was desperate to get a real ride in. Going back and forth to work just doesn’t count… “junk miles” is what Anna calls ‘em. I’m glad I rode, though, even if it means a serious cleaning of the bikes is now required. They are completely grimed, despite using the clip-on fenders (which seem to keep the rider somewhat cleaner/drier, but do nuthin’ for the bike!)
The only downside for the day: the swoopy new Perl Izumi booties I bought to keep my feeties warm and dry, do nothing of the sort. Oh, they’d be OK in a cold wind I guess, but they sure don’t do much to slow down the water. Drat.
Buckets for Shoes
January 23, 2009
Went for a bike ride with my lovely wife this morning… we were determined to get a ride in together, despite the rain. I took my commute bike, since it was (a) already filthy from the rain earlier in the week, (b) it has bigger tires on it, nice when you can’t actually see the road surface through all the water, and (c) it was already rigged with many lights and a rear fender (a front one won’t fit with the big tires).
It was a really fun ride, just to be out and about – but the lack of a front fender, when combined with a lot of water on the road, really turns the ‘ol shoes into buckets! Gotta get me some new booties, pronto.
It hasn’t been quite so wet going back and forth to work, earlier in the week; even when raining, the road puddles haven’t been too bad.